About Tom

I have always loved to exercise. I was doing push-ups, sit-ups, and other calisthenics at an early age of 6. I wanted to be fit and strong from as long as I was alive.

I started bodybuilding at age 14 and won 1978 Mr Teenage Youngstown at 17. I placed 3rd in 1978 Mr Youngstown a few months later. The next year I placed 10th in my height class in the 1979 Mr Teenage America (steroid free).

I trained with heavy weights for a long time until I started having pain in my lower back, shoulders, knee, and finally ankles. I hardly ever stretched or trained my deep core muscles in my earlier years of working out. These mistakes took their toll on my body and led me to many compensations and injuries. Now at my age I train a lot more wiser.

I received my master’s in Exercise Physiology in 1994 and several certifications along the way. I learned how the body really works and how to treat and train the body for optimal performance. Whether that means improving a movement, sport, or just moving and sitting without pain.

I moved to Mount Vernon, Oh in 2001 and worked at Knox Community Hospital as a Wellness Coordinator. In less than 2 years I started Stability Fitness: a personal training business and going strong for 19 years. I have been helping & educating individuals on exercise to improve their health, function, appearance, pain reduction, and general well-being.